A blog created in hopes of promoting peace through deep thought and contemplation about sometimes divisive issues

Month: July 2020


“A Scout decent human being is…courteous…”

Further exploration to come from me on this topic, but suffice it to say that the words we say and the way we act in public, and our perceived morality, are as important as the things we try to accomplish. How we do things is just as important – in some cases, moreso – than what we do. This applies especially to those among us who hold great power, and at those persons I direct this post.

Increasingly in a time of instantaneous communications, ready access to viewpoints that bolster our own worldview, and information overload, we seem to be growing numb to breaches of conduct and have grown more tolerant of outward moral bankruptcy as long as the person belongs to our camp.

We are treading on a very dangerous road by permitting this. Ultimately all of our successful interactions and friendships rely on at least the pretense of decency. We must expect the same level of conduct from those occupying high places. Should these persons fail to demonstrate this, they must be held responsible. In mild cases this may take the form of an apology; in severe ones, they must relinquish their position of power.

I challenge each of you to join me in holding firm, consistently, on what we expect from each other and from public figures and to lift your voices – and take action – in opposition when behavioral conventions grounded in humanity are casually tossed aside.

Find me the enemy (!)

First and foremost, thank you for taking time to read this first post – from among the endless options in a world full of stimuli.

This post bears its name because many of the frustrations and anxieties that I (and certainly many of you) harbor, and that I will inevitably bring to the light of day over the lifespan of this blog, are directed at an abstract enemy – at the evil members of “the other side”, at loathsome creatures who perpetuate toxic mentalities and policies that worsen the lots of their fellow humans.

When I turn to my neighbor, uncle, friend, colleague, however – any of whom could/do harbor the ideology I “hate” – I almost always fail to find this enemy. We chat, or don’t, and I convince myself that they’re not as bad as the abstract villain driving my frenzy. Or that they certainly don’t condone the repercussions of their favored position.

And yet, without the contribution of individuals, groups that perpetuate agendas grounded in negativity – or outright harmful ones – could not exist. Thus an onus of responsibility rests on the shoulders of said persons.

For this reason, my objective in writing is to help pull readers out of their resonating chambers to consider all facets of an issue – and to have them HELP ME DO THE SAME. I hope to ground my thought processes in love, dare I say, and pull myself and others out of blind self-interest and the status quo. My aim isn’t (necessarily or solely) to convince people of my particular stance on any certain issue, but to help them undertake a mental journey to a place where might is not the only right. At best, the lines of reasoning outlined herein may steer them away from inflicting undue harm.

Failing all of this, I at least hope this blog will help me process and keep track of thoughts in a disciplined way. And to keep myself accountable.

Thank you for making it this far. Ta ta for now, and see you again soon.

A hearty thanks to Anthony. And my lovely wife and infant son. And Grandpa Jerry, Mr. Rogers, and Gordon Downie.